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Special parts (lips, eye corners, etc.), vitiligo treatment technology

   Special parts of the skin are easily rubbed and often attacked by viruses and bacteria,

Control white spot development technology

   Active vitiligo, Langerhans cells ingest a large amount of melanocyte antigens, resulti

Treatments MORE>>
適應環境 鞏固療效

    白斑全部恢復后,機體需進行一段系統維持治療,以適應內外環境,防止復發。即白斑完全恢復后需要鞏固治療,使機體由免疫狀態恢復到純真狀態。讓患者從此遠離白斑困擾。  &

抑制合成 減黑為常

    白斑在恢復過程,受各種因素影響,黑色素的生成不均等,與正常皮膚相比存在色差,治療后期需要配合特殊治療技術,使黑素合成相對平衡而且可以長期維持,達到自然狀態。  &

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 一、白魔無情,讓她無法正常生活  鄒平患者孫XX,是個超市老板,因為精明能干,日子過年很紅火。但是人無千日好,花無百日開,幾年前她患上了白癜風,大家怕白癜風會傳染,不太敢跟她靠近


 一、為治白癜風放棄事業。  事業對于一個男士來說,應該是尤為重要的事。江西的李總卻因為臉上恐怖的白斑,在事業上屢屢受挫。看著手機上一張張白癜風圖片,這張臉真的是自己嗎? 病痛的折

Understanding these may be helpful for your visit.
Disclaimer: Some of the information of vitiligo teatment on this website comes from the Internet for reference only. It cannot be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. If there is any reprinted or cited article involving copyright issues, please contact us!
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