
24-HOUR HOTLINE 400-6567-178
您現在位置: 首頁 > 聯系我們 > 乘車路線
Jianan yaoqiang airport:
Then take bus from jinan bus station to binzhou bus station ,then taxi from binzhou bus station to Huahai vitiligo hospital,
Jianan yaoqiang airport ,then we will arrange taxi driver from jinan airport to Huahai vitiligo hospital directly。
High railway line
Jianan train station
Jianan train station,then binzhou train station ,then take taxi from binzhou train station to huahai vitiligo hospital。
Jinan train station:
Jinan train station ,then we will arrange taxi driver to pick up you from jinan train station to our hospital directly。
Understanding these may be helpful for your visit.
Disclaimer: Some of the information of vitiligo teatment on this website comes from the Internet for reference only. It cannot be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. If there is any reprinted or cited article involving copyright issues, please contact us!
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